Sunday 3 February 2013

diy: tissue paper flowers

I learned how to make these a couple months ago,and thought that they were just so pretty!

What you need is:

  • Pretty coloured tissue paper
  • Hot glue gun & glue
  • Scissors 
First, you need your tissue paper. You can use as many colours as you want, but right now I'm only using two.

Cut the paper into little squares.I find that about 10 squares makes a nice full flower. The size of the square doesn't matter as long as they are all the same.

Put the tissue paper into a neat little stack so that the colours alternate.

 Put a little dab of glue in between each layer of tissue paper (in the middle of the square), so that they are all secure. 

Then, you cut the tissue paper into a scalloped flower type shape. It really doesn't matter if it's perfect or not.
Now, take the first layer of the flower and crumple it up into the middle like so. 

 Do the same thing for each layer, until...

Voila! You have a cute little flower!

I just think that these are the I made a couple more...

They look so cute in a vase!

I also put some on my wall.(I attached them with blue tac and I tried to hide it but if you see something blue,that's what it is).

I hope you love these as much as I do!